Thursday, January 7, 2010

Chanukah in Cochin

Where are the Jews??? And the Portuguese? And the Arabs????? History and travel books alike try to paint a much romanticized picture of Cochin … spice warehouses lined along with perfume shops and a cosmopolitan populace speaking to you in farflung tongues. Paaleeeeeez!
Cochin was indeed a very cosmopolitan town in its heyday, mostly for its thriving spice trade. It was the center of Judaism in South Asia, with a population dating back to the fall of the Second Temple. I admit that it was a pretty little town, but it had nothing to enchant me with. I visited all the sites in three hours, and then sat next to the Chinese fishing nets for another five hours. Yes, it was interesting to see the synagogue and Dutch palace, but it would’ve been pretty awesome if an old babushka-clad Jewish nana served me some curry-flavored matzo balls.

Above and Below: The famous Kathakali performances of Kerala ... it takes hours for them to do the makeup.
Below: The famous Chinese fishing nets, introduced to South Asia during admiral Zheng He's voyages in the 15th century.
Below: The Synagogue in Jew Town (seriously, that's the place's name). Now a museum. No cameras allowed inside.

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