I am officially a vegetarian. Today, meat never looked so red, juicy, spicy, and o so goodddd.... but after coming out of my food coma, i realized i overworked my guts. But, before I dive into vegetarianism (for two days that is), I will share a recipe that most of you carnivores will enjoy:
Beef Carpet Rolls
250 grams (1/2 pound) Beef, thigh meat preferably
1/2 cup blended ginger
1/4 cup blended garlic
1/4 cup coconut milk
1 Tsp salt
2 Tsp sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 Tsp cumin powder
1 Tsp Paprika powder
2 Tsp lemon juice
couple of pandang leaves (or substitue with bay leaves)
chili peppers and cilantro, finely chopped
Olive oil
Toothpicks (soak in water for couple hours)
1) Cut the beef very thinly, into about 6 in. x 3 in. pieces
2) Mix all ingredients (except pandang/chili/cilantro) and marinade beef in the mixure for about 5 hours
3) After marinading, start rolling the beef: put the finely chopped coriander, chilli peppers, and pandang leaves in the center of beef strips, then roll them; fasten with toothpicks
4) Put enough olive oil for shallow pan-fry. Pan fry the beef rolls for 5-10 minutes; a little burn goes a long way =)
5) Enjoy the rolls with a side of naan and fresh cucumber chutney
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